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5 Benefits of Custom Packaging




Every business field in the world is currently competitive. Thanks to internet technology, companies can offer their products to any person in the world. In case you want to get out of the box and be number 1, you must get out of the box!

We do support your effort to improve the quality of your products. Also, we totally understand the investments you make in social media ads and other forms of digital marketing channels. But, these are not unique business decisions that will make you split from the masses. 

One of the options that you have is to invest in customer packaging. The quality of the package matters equally as the quality of the product itself. According to research done by Ipsos, the type and design of packaging influence the purchasing decisions of more than 70% of people.  

In this article, we would like to highlight all the benefits you can get from customer packaging. We are pretty sure you will change your approach towards packaging. Let’s go!

Appropriate Protection of the Products

Products need to keep the same quality until they reach the customer. Sometimes, one package can travel for a couple of days until it reaches the final destination. That is the reason why you need to ensure appropriate protection for them.

Packages can be made of all sorts of materials (we will explain later which ones are the best). Apart from that, there are companies that can make packages in different shapes and designs. Some of them are pretty durable and protective which ensures that your products keep the same quality until they reach the final destination. 

We found out that the e-commerce product return rate is around 30%. The same study confirms around 20% did that because the product they ordered was broken. Investing in the appropriate customer packaging is the best and easiest way to reduce those percentages!

Improvement of the Brand Awareness 

Did you know that around 46% of customers tend to regularly buy products from branded companies? Improvement of brand awareness should be your main goal. Fortunately, customer packages can help you reach that goal!

There are many methods you can use to improve your brand identity. First and foremost, you can use eco-friendly products that are safe and allergen-free. People appreciate brands that are doing whatever it takes to protect the planet. For example, nearly ¾ of people support the ban on single-use plastics. 

Apart from that, as we said, companies can experiment with packaging designs. They can create packages in different shapes and designs with different eco-friendly materials. Fortunately, there are companies like Arka that are offering such a service. For a decent price, entrepreneurs can get customized customer packages made of sustainable materials. You can either share your ideas or simply allow experts to take care of everything. 

Getting the respect of your target audience is a way to become a successful and recognizable brand one day. You need to offer something different in order to convince them to get back to you in the future. 

Wonderful Unboxing Experience

With appropriate customer packages, you can ensure a beautiful unboxing experience for your buyers. The sense they will get when opening your package is something they will remember. As a rule of thumb, most customers want to have the same experience once again. Also, they would want to share that feeling with the people they love. That means your brand can become a number-one choice for birthday presents, anniversary gifts, or anything else.

As we said, the purpose of brand awareness is to convince people to get back to you. There is a big chance the quality of your products will convince them to spend money once again. But, what if your main competitors can provide the same quality? Why would they pick you instead of them? The unboxing experience can be the reason, and you won’t manage to achieve it without a unique package!

Form of Word-of-Mouth Marketing

Believe it or not, more than 90% of people will trust you more if your word-of-mouth marketing is top-notch. In other words, if people start talking about you, there is a big chance you will attract new people. 

You have probably seen two forms of videos on different streaming platforms and social media. People often share boomerangs on Instagram of how they are opening some products. Also, they are recording people they want to surprise while opening presents. All these videos can easily become viral. Besides, you can be sure the followers on Instagram or other social media will certainly see it. 

This is actually a recommendation in the eyes of people that see those videos. They want to ensure the same surprise (more precisely, level of emotions and comfort) which will convince them to check out what you have to offer. When people start talking about you, that means your business has the potential to become big!

Presentation of Business

You are an e-commerce business which means that you won’t have the chance to present the background of your business to each potential customer. Your package is there to do that instead of you. The colors, materials, and styles you use can, metaphorically, explain to the customers who you are, what you support, etc.

But, that also means you have a big obligation. If you decide to customize your customer packages, then you need to figure out how to send the right message. That is another good reason to collaborate with packaging companies and brand experience experts in case you are not sure how to do that. 


To conclude, customized customer packaging can help you promote your business, convince people to get back to you, and protect the planet Earth. There is no such thing as “best custom package in the world”. Ensure that the designs and materials you use represent your business in the best possible way and send the right message.